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Mandatory field

The information collected on this form is recorded in a computerized file by La Boite Immo acting as Processing Subcontractor for the management of customers/prospects of the Agency / Network which remains Responsible for the Processing of your Personal Data.
The legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Agency/Network.
They are kept until deletion request and are intended for the Agency/Network.
In accordance with the “information technology and freedoms” law, you can exercise your right of access to data concerning you and have it rectified by contacting the Agency / the Network.
If you consider, after contacting the Agency / the Network, that your “Computer and Liberties” rights are not respected, you can send a complaint to the CNIL.
We inform you of the existence of the “Bloctel” telephone canvassing opposition list, on which you can register here:
As part of the protection of Personal Data, we invite you not to enter sensitive Data in the free entry field

Mandatory field

The information collected on this form is recorded in a computerized file by La Boite Immo acting as Processing Subcontractor for the management of customers/prospects of the Agency / Network which remains Responsible for the Processing of your Personal Data.
The legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the Agency/Network.
They are kept until deletion request and are intended for the Agency/Network.
In accordance with the “information technology and freedoms” law, you can exercise your right of access to data concerning you and have it rectified by contacting the Agency / the Network.
If you consider, after contacting the Agency / the Network, that your “Computer and Liberties” rights are not respected, you can send a complaint to the CNIL.
We inform you of the existence of the “Bloctel” telephone canvassing opposition list, on which you can register here:
As part of the protection of Personal Data, we invite you not to enter sensitive Data in the free entry field
Contact U.S.
05 53 40 19 65 5 boulevard de la République
47300 Villeneuve-sur-Lot